Levi Rizk is a family MD in a rural area of Virginia. He ran from LA to DC in 100 days raising money to outfit an RV as a mobile medical clinic for children. I ran 10 miles with him as he passed thru VA. It was at at time I still thought I was going to run across America, and wanted to get his feedback and advice about that journey. Adam and I later attended the a dinner in his honor in Washington DC and he was the one who inspired me to do my run and got me "off the dime" as they say.
"I had the opportunity to run with Nick while I was running across America in 2016. He joined me on my way up to Richmond, and we had a very special exchange of stories and experiences about his quest and his journey towards helping discover the causes of Autism. I learned about his son Adam and was fortunate to meet him as well after my run was complete. The passion that Nick has certainly transcends any age boundaries. The man is young at heart, and is persistent to use his lifelong struggles to help families with Autistic members. Nick, I admire your goal and wish you health and success in your massive endeavor!"
Levi Rizk

Serendipity Happens.
A couple of days after registering my non-profit name (3000 Miles For Autism) with the NC Secretary of State, I went back to the web site to check and be sure it was there. Entering the search for “3000” I saw “3000 Miles To a Cure”. Further investigation revealed Maria Parker, the CEO of Cruzbike in Lumberton, NC was the owner of this non-profit. I was compelled to contact her and discovered she raced a bike across America and won the women’s division of the race in 2013. She also holds 25 or so other biking records. Her sister was diagnosed with Brain Cancer in 2012 and Maria has been a advocating and fund raising for Brain Cancer research ever since. We have had a couple of long phone conversations and she has provided valuable insights into a cross America venture
At 71 Nick plans to run 3000 Miles to raise money for research on the causes of Autism. Nick's desire and ambition is incredibly inspirational. Nick's goal is to the spend the rest of his life helping people whose lives have not yet begun. As an ultra-athlete, Nick has my respect and my support. I encourage everyone to donate to Nick's charity. If Nick's effort moves you, even just a little, give a little! We'll uncover the mysteries of autism and along the way likely unlock other neurological puzzles. Go Nick. I'm watching and cheering!
Maria Parker
Winner 2013 Race Across America.
Cruzbike | Love every mile.

My New PR Team
Tanya, Abigail, Meredith, Jaein, Samantha
Beth - PhotographerCH Magazine Story


JoAnn Enhancing "THE HAT"
Rollie modeling "THE HAT"

Maddalena - Brooklyn Native But Yankee Fan

My dermatologist Dr. Becker & Staff

My College Roommate's Son
Does he give THE HAT a military look or what!!
My Fathom Real Estate Broker-In-Charge Craig Fox in "THE HAT"

Friends and Co-Workers
Mary & Dave
Richard after finishing 5K at Pine Knoll Shores proudly wearing
3000 Miles for Autism hat!

Our first fan proudly wearing the "3000MilesFor Autism.org" hat.
Banker Joe and Maddie at Greensboro Half Marathon.

My office mate Claudia modeling "THE HAT"

Adam and Friend Will with

My Dentist Dr. Ramos and Staff Both with "THE HAT"

Derek in THE HAT

Jerry Swicegood - one of my "Warm Story" winners!!
Levi's Daughter
A Perfect Model for THE HAT

Friends Newt & Pam From Texas